Final stage information

The final stage of the olympiad will take place from March 6th to 8th, 2025. The contests will take place on March 7th and 8th from 10:00 to 15:00 Moscow time. All participants who have scored at least 400 points in the qualification stage are invited to the final stage of the olympiad.

Registration form for participants for the final stage

List of participants, invited to the final stage

Information for remote participants

List of documents required for participants

The main venue for the final stage will be 1C: Research, Development, and Training Center located at: Moscow, Dmitrovskoye Shosse, 9. Free accommodation and meals will be provided to all out-of-town participants in Moscow. Registration and information about additional venues will be published later.

f you need an official invitation from the organizing committee for your trip, please send an email to specifying to whom the invitation should be addressed — include the full name and position (for example, to the director of School No. 1 in Moscow Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov), and specify which students should be mentioned in it.

Upon special requests from participants in some cities, additional venues are organized, making a total of 4 venues. Participants who find it difficult to reach the venues where the olympiad will be held will have the option to participate in olympiad in a remote format with proctoring.

List of Olympiad venues

  • Москва
    Адрес: 1С: Центр исследований, разработки и обучения. Москва, Дмитровское шоссе, д. 9
    Контакты: Воронцова Мария Сергеевна ( и Чибисова Диана Витальевна (
  • Липецк
    Адрес: Центр поддержки одаренных детей «СТРАТЕГИЯ». Липецк, ул. 40 лет Октября, д. 39
    Контакты: Первеев Михаил Валерьевич (
  • Сириус
    Адрес: ОЦ «Сириус». Сириус, Олимпийский проспект, 40
    Площадка доступна только для участников мартовских программ ОЦ «Сириус».

Sequence of actions for participants of the olympiad

For participants from Moscow who are not staying at the Park Tower hotel

For out-of-town participants staying at the Park Tower hotel

For participants from Sirius and Lipetsk

For remote participants

  • Fill out the registration form for the final stage by February 25th, indicating remote participation.
  • Wait for confirmation of remote participation from the organizing committee (confirmation will be sent via email).
  • Upload scans of required documents to the document collection form by March 4th.
  • Check email and wait for additional instructions from the organizing committee.