After the completion of qualification contest, a selective check for cheating in participants’ solutions was conducted. Several instances of non-independent completion of the tasks were identified.
Solutions are considered copied (borrowed) if the jury believes that code is significantly similar, even though the code may not match exactly. Typically, programs are modified to disguise the act of copying. The final decision on whether a solution is recognized as copied or not is solely made by the competition jury.
The jury also considers it cheating when a participant submits someone else’s solution and then independently writes a new solution, meaning the final solution was given for another, non-copied solution.
If participants did not directly use each other’s code but actively discussed the problem solutions with each other or third parties, and the jury discovered this situation due to similarities in the code solutions, this case will also be classified as non-independent completion of the tasks, and the violators will be subject to similar sanctions.
If you want to appeal jury decision about plagiarism, write us to email
Task | Username providing answers | Username copying |
A | Фёдоров Евгений | Shin |
A | DHF | Aculator |
A | Drlobster | Aman0914 |
A | dmgal | dmitry_makarov |
A | Александр П | Калинин Илья |
A | Александр П | Роман Юрченко |
A | Александр П | DrFROL |
A | Калинин Илья | Роман Юрченко |
A | Калинин Илья | DrFROL |
A | Роман Юрченко | DrFROL |
B | dnomsetos | Jigokuraku |
B | keptany | вот бы 600pp поставить | Владосик |
D | k1r1t0 | Sashuk_keshuk |
D | Байко Игнат | sussybakh |
D | T | Artem179 |
E | А. Вадим | ZIGIGA |
F | marmelad | Манечка |
F | Tya | Alex |
F | PurpleGym | тимикскуз |
F | Коробейников Егор | gaiercop |
G | GuessWho_A | livo |
G | timk | Искандер |
G | topovik | Sashuk_keshuk |
G | Калинин Илья | Александр П |
G | Калинин Илья | Роман Юрченко |
G | Калинин Илья | DrFROL |
G | Александр П | Роман Юрченко |
G | Александр П | DrFROL |
G | Роман Юрченко | DrFROL |
Guided by the rules of the Olympiad and the plagiarism-checking rules described above, as well as information about identified cases of plagiarism and other violations, the jury has made the following decisions.
Username | Статус |
Aculator | Disqualification |
Alex | Disqualification |
Aman0914 | Disqualification |
Artem179 | Disqualification |
DHF | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem A |
DrFROL | Disqualification |
Drlobster | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem A |
GuessWho_A | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem G |
Jigokuraku | Disqualification |
PurpleGym | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem F |
Sashuk_keshuk | Disqualification |
Shin | Disqualification |
T | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem D |
Tya | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem F |
ZIGIGA | Disqualification |
dmgal | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem A |
dmitry_makarov | Disqualification |
dnomsetos | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem B |
gaiercop | Disqualification |
k1r1t0 | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem D |
keptany | вот бы 600pp поставить | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem B |
livo | Disqualification |
marmelad | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem F |
sussybakh | Disqualification |
timk | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem G |
topovik | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem G |
А. Вадим | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem E |
Александр П | Disqualification |
Байко Игнат | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem D |
Владосик | Disqualification |
Искандер | Disqualification |
Калинин Илья | Disqualification |
Коробейников Егор | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem F |
Манечка | Disqualification |
Роман Юрченко | Disqualification |
Фёдоров Евгений | Invalidation of all solutions for probelem A |
тимикскуз | Disqualification |